Forthcoming: "Queer as Faith." In Decolonizing Faith. Tehom Center Publishing, 2025.
The Self-Compassion Companion: 30 Ways in 30 Days. Tehom Center Publishing, 2025.
“Wisdom as/and the Rhizomatic Tree of Life: The Relational Poetics of Wisdom and Decolonizing Biblical Studies.” In Life Under the Baobab Tree: Africana Studies and Religion in a Transitional Age New York: Fortress Press, 2023.
“Gender, Sexuality, and the Church,” In Sociology as Everyday Life: Voices from the Field. San Diego: Cognella, 2020.
“Reading (with) Rhythm for the Sake of the I-n-I(slands): A Rastafarian Interpretation of Samson as Ambient Affective Assemblage,” In Religion, Emotion, Sensation: Affect Theories and Theologies. New York: Fordham Press, 2019.
“(Re)Membering Samson OtherWise.” In Human Rights, Race, and Resistance in the African Diaspora. New York: Routledge, 2017.
“A Socioeconomic Hermeneutic of Chayim: The Theo-Ethical Implications of Reading (with) Wisdom,” In Common Good(s): Economy, Ecology, and Political Theology. New York: Fordham Press, 2015.
“Samson,” Bible Odyssey, September 14, 2019,
Review of Deryn Guest, YHWH and Israel in the Book of Judges: An Object-Relations Analysis. In Biblical Interpretation, Forthcoming.
Review of Bern Janowski, Arguing with God: A Theological Anthropology of the Psalms. In Biblical Interpretation25, no. 3 (2017), 426-428.